SIAR is a research foundation based in Stockholm, Sweden.
“SIAR” stands for Scandinavian Institutes for Administrative Research. It was founded 1966 and then registered under the legal name of “Stiftelsen Företagsadministrativ forskning”.
The objective of the foundation is to support research and knowledge development within Business Administration and Business Economics. Supported programs shall have a scientific approach and be carried out on a non-profit basis. Results of the research work that are of general interest will be published.
Over the years numerous research programs have been completed thanks to financial support from SIAR. As part of these programs more than 50 books have been published as well as a great number of research papers and doctoral theseses.
In 1993 “Professor Eric Rhenman Memorial Foundation” was established. Its purpose was complementary to that of SIAR’s although focusing on the support of younger researchers and shorter academic projects. The fund was closed in June 2009 and it’s research financing has since then been taken over by SIAR.